Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Congestion Charging Essay

Resolving capital of the United Kingdoms shipping problems was the highest precedency of the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. His goal was to create a world- family unit globeoeuvre system that would improve care efficiency, supports greater economic prosperity and improves the pure tone of life for every one living in London or visiting London.The Mayors transport strategy, which was published on 10 July 2001, it had ten key priorities* Reducing traffic over-crowding* Rising coin for underground investment* Rising money for radical improvements to bus service across London* Better integration of the National Rail system with Londons other transport systems* Increasing the capacity of Londons transport system* Improving journey time dependableness for car enjoymentrs* Supporting local transport initiatives* Making the distribution of goods and operate in London more reliable and efficient* Improving the availability of Londons transport system* Bringing forward recent i ntegration initiatives.What is Congestion Charges?* Congestion charging is a way of ensuring that those using rich and crowded route space make a financial contribution.* It encourages the usage of other modes of transport and is also intended to ensure that, for those who keep up to physical exercise the roads, journey times are quicker and more reliable.* This strategy requires drivers to get 5 per day if they wish to continue driving in rudimentary London.Tube stationWide line govern ring roadJam Cam see what the traffic is likeCharging zone area positionTrain stationRiver servicesThis map shows all the areas that are affect by congestion charges. By looking at the map you grass see all of central London zone 1 and zone 2 has being affected, so anyone living within that area would have to pay the congestion charge to travel to their local area or outside the congestion zones.Advantage and disadvantage of congestion chargingAdvantage* rationalise congestion* Reduce th rough traffic* Further encourage use of general transport in central London* Benefit business efficiency by speeding up the movement of goods and mickle* crap a better environment for walking and cyclingDisadvantageo Traffic may increase on orbital routes by up to 5%o Traffic would be reduced on radial tire routes by 5 10%o Overall reduction in traffic by 1 2%o London intention could simply make traffic worse elsewhereo go forth hit disadvantaged hardesto The scheme had no pilot scheme to test the effectiveness of congestion chargeso It forget take months to ensnare whether it is a successConclusionCongetion charges has it adavantages and disavantages an asthmatic would would totally spport congestion charges, as pollution caused by cars is a factor of asthame. It is also a class question. Those who can afford to have moved, those who cant have to diaphragm and choke. If congestion charges give them and thier families a chance to breathe then I would fully support it.Howe ver, they need to be part of a syllabus aimed at enhancing the environment and improving the quality of life. This could include cheaper public transport and improvements in its quality, safety and reliability more nurseries and play schools nearer to where people live, more on-line shopping, local markets and food co-ops, reduced hours with no tone ending of pay repopulating city centres and the countryside, more home working and home instruction a guaranteed income to give parents the option of being full time carers crack those willing to give up their car free bikes or public transport.But there is also an agrument about Who is prepared to pay 10 a day, 50 a week, or 3,500 a year for congestion charging and 2,000 for workplace parkingwhich is 6,000 of taxed incomefor the privilege of bringing their car into London? It is the riche man ie stockborker, banker, law ect who wants to come in from Surbiton to the City of London. Their would non mind the charges. thier puts them d own to they companies and it pays the 5,000 or 10,000 a year. Who cares anyway? He will just say, Thats great, thank you very much. I believe It is a fat cats charter.What about people on a low salary, octogenarian people, young mothers who are dependent on their motor car non only in London but throughout the nation? To those people, 5,000 or 10,000 a year is a lot. What I want to know is this. What consultations has the tire out party had with groups of disabled people? What consultations has it had with the unions in regard to low wage earners? What consultations has it had with old peoplepeople who need their motor cars, and who will be taxed off the road if the charges are to work? If the presidency say that is non their intention, and that such people will not be taxed off the road, I put it to them that there is no chance that their congestion charge will work.It is certain that the fat cats will not be taxed off the road. If the Government find a way of allowing housew ives, young mothers, disabled people or members of the other categories to stay on the road, the amount of congestion will not be reduced, and all that we shall have is a revenue raiser for the mayor.

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