Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Jewellery Sector in West Bengal

The main use of goods and services of this study was to examine the migration profile of the workers in the Gold and Jewellery firmament of West Bengal and as well to study the process of skill formation of the workers in this sector. The entire study was based on a primary plenty conducted on a sample size of 60 individuals spread wholly over 4 different regions of West Bengal Sinthi, put forwardbazar, Basirhat and DomJur. In the first component part of my study, I examined the pattern of migration of the Jewellery artists in these areas. I also cited the existence of a large number of in-migrants, circular and return migrants in this ector.In the next part, I studied in details the process of skill formation of the workers and showed how the full point of apprenticeship was crucial in the career of a jewellery artist. I also explained the wage vriation between the skilled, unskilled and semiskilled workers in Basirhat and also essay to establish a link between skill, inc ome and migration of the workers. In the last part of my outline, I attempted give a comparative study analysis of these areas with respect to the nature of the migrant workers, conditions of work, income and pattern of migration.Acknowledgements I take this probability to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful period of this project. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Swati Ghosh, Department of Economics, Rabindra Bharati University, who was extremely laborsaving and offered invaluable assistance, support and counselling. Her willingness to motivate contributed tremendously to the succesful completion my project. Deepest gratitude is also imputable to Prof. Sukanata Saha without whose knowledge and assistance this study would not have been successful.To the Jewellery workers and shop-owners of Sinthi, Bow Bazaar, Basirhat and DomJur, I whole heartedly thank you for your kindness, co-operation and patience. Without your suppor t, this project would not have materialized. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Kaushik Mukherjee (Bowbazar), Mr. Subhash Sarkar ( Atoshi Jewellers, Basirhat ) for their valuable help and guidance during my survey. And last but not least, special thanks also to all my class-mates, for sharing the literature and providing invaluable assistance during the survey.

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